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Winners' Chapel Ikorodu

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12 Pillars of the Commission

Our twelve pillars connote the Scriptural structure upon which the Liberation Mandate is built. These pillars form our teaching syllabus as church and constitute our doctrinal platform. Because they are twelve in number, each pillar is selected as the focus for each month of the year.

We have stood firm upon these twelve stones and they have resulted in breakthroughs – both for the ministry and all that are partakers of the same grace with us. We have crossed Jordan into power, bearing the ark of liberation and have experienced amazing testimonies ever since this commission was handed down in May, 1981.

Our 12 Pillars are as follows:

Here are the 12 stones, after the order of Joshua 4:1-8, 20-24.

Faith is the gateway to a world of triumph (1 John 5:4)

Faith is the master key to a world of unlimited possibilities (Matt. 17:20)

Faith is the unstoppable force in the world of the spirit (Eph. 6:16)

We cannot receive anything from God except by faith.( James 1:5-6)

We are born again by faith (Eph 2:8)

By faith we walk (2 Cor. 5:7), by faith we stand (2 Cor.1:24), we are healed by faith.(Matt 9:27-29).

Faith determines the quality of our life in the kingdom

The Word of God is the most valuable asset to every believer.

God has exalted His word above His name (Ps. 138:2)

All things are at the command of His word (Heb. 1:3)

The Word is the master key to a world of impact and exploits (Isa. 9:8)

The supernatural is the answer to all the impossibilities of life, and faith is what puts you in command of the supernatural. Mark 16:17-18

As far as God is concerned, the supernatural does not depend on Him, but is initiated by man through his faith.

The supernatural is the birthright of every believer because new birth makes him a commander in all situations of life.

Every child of God is ordained to live in a world of no limits but this cannot be fully realized without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  (Acts 1:1-8)

We need empowerment of the Holy Spirit:

To fulfill our mission on the earth, for protection (Ps. 105:13-15), to command dominion (Ps. 110:1-3), for victories over battles of life (Luke 10:19) and to preserve the blessings of God in our lives. (Ps. 112:1-9)

God empowers His people for financial fortune to draw many in to His Kingdom.

To have the true prosperity, we must first prosper in the things of the Lord.

Prayer is both a platform for provoking divine intervention and supernatural transformation.

The altar of prayer among other things is the altar of grace, altar of command, deliverance, victory remembrance and change.

We are to pray without ceasing. 1 Thess. 5:16

Christ is not only the saviour of our soul, he is also the saviour of our body (Eph. 5:30)  And by His stripes we were healed (1 Peter 2:24).

Total health is our covenant right (Exo. 23:25-26)

We cannot have God as our healer and still remain bound in sickness; for with God all things are possible.

Wisdom is the principal thing and when we embrace wisdom it shall promote change our position for the better because wisdom brings glory. (Prov 4:7-11)

Operating in divine wisdom is building on the rock, the wind, storms and rain notwithstanding, the building shall remain (Matt. 7:24-27)

“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure.” – Isaiah 33:6

Success implies continuous improvement on one’s result which is God’s plan for us (Prov. 4:18)

Our heritage of success is established on the following platforms:

As seeds of Abraham , you are born to be a blessing to your world and not a burden (Gal.3:13-14)

As seeds of Abraham , you are either a King or a nation.( Gen 17:6-7),  you are to be envied and not be pitied.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” – Prov. 29:18

God has reserved blessings for all His children, but we must be led to where these blessings are waiting. ( Ps. 47:4).

When we allow God to lead us, He leads us to where He has prepared a table for us, where our cups will be full and running over (Ps. 23:1-6).

We must reposition ourselves to the benefit of the leading of the Spirit of God so that we can gain access to our blessings.

Consecration is the pursuit of the heart of God.  Ps. 63:8

It is the heart-borne desire to always please God above all else (Phil.1:21), the inner reverence and adoration for God (Isa 29:13)

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his. And let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. ” – 2 Tim. 2:19

Praise is a spiritual means of provoking divine intervention.  It is not what we do after things have happened, it is hat we do to make things happen.

When we praise God acceptably, we invoke His divine presence (Ps. 22:3) and we provoke the release of the anointing for conquest (Ps. 89:20-24). A combination of the presence and the power of God will bring down any mountain in our lives.

Praise is therefore a most vital force in the realm of the spirit.